Writing Resources/Editors
Writing Resources
Library Resources Guide (English)
Library Resources Guide (Spanish)
Project Chapter Rubric (For those who started before 2018)
Project Chapter Rubric (For those who started in 2018 or later)
Project Proposal Rubric (For those who started before May 2019)
Yr 2 Project Proposal Rubric (For those who started after May 2019)
Editors, Formators and more
Some persons may wish help with writing, grammar, typing or proofreading and formatting. When such services are desired, participants may seek their own typist or editor, secured by private arrangement outside of and in addition to the purview of the DMin program. Fees for private writing assistance will be arranged between the participant and the service provider, and are in addition to and separate from any fees charged by the Seminary.
The DMin office is occasionally asked for names of persons who might serve as private editors. The names provided below are for purposes of information only; they are persons who have expressed willingness to provide private editing or typing services but are not to be considered official recommendations from the DMin office: