DMin Mass Media for Ministry Concentration
Changing the people who change the world
The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program at Andrews University seeks to develop spiritually transformed ministers with advanced professional competencies for worldwide church leadership. The Mass Media for Ministry concentration aims to provide students with the necessary tools for a current understanding of mass media theories and practices, and the use of media to enlarge the mission and ministry of the 21st century church.
Concentration Goals
The outcomes of the urban ministry concentration include 1) a knowledge base, 2) a transformational emphasis on being, and 3) doing, evidenced in skill training for ministry leadership.
Knowing: The knowledge base has the following components:
Acquire exceptional theoretical knowledge that contributes to advanced ministry
Foster a holistic view of society and its needs
Articulate theological and theoretical understandings that advance global ministry
Understand the biblical model of servant leadership
Being: In the process of the urban ministry concentration, participants will experience transformational development in the following essentials:
Seek deeper Christ-like biblical spirituality
Experience enrichment of personal and family life
Intensify commitment to ministry
Develop an Adventist perspective of discipleship, evangelism, mission, and ministry
Doing: Participants in the urban ministry concentration form skills for effective ministry in the context of the city. Those include:
Enhance the ability to evaluate ministerial practices through theological reflection
Use appropriate tools to analyze the needs of churches and communities
Refine skills that facilitate ministerial effectiveness
Reinforce habits of study that contribute to lifelong learning
Learning Modalities
The following nine learning modalities will be included in the concentration's andragogy:
A ministry development plan
A context support group
Learning groups including collective assignments, consultations, and accountability
Classroom consultation: including didactic and experiential learning and networking with top educators and experts in the field of urban ministry
Research: including perusal of the current literature, assigned readings, and case studies
Praxis: including implementation of ministry in the context of one’s ministry context.
A Professional Dissertation including theological reflection, literature review, field research, and intervention involving a specific challenge coming from a communication perspective.
The Cohort Experience
The program is delivered in the cohort model, wherein participants proceed through the sequence of courses together. Study and learning are year-round, with pre-intensive, during-intensive, and post-intensive activities and experiences. Pre-intensive assignment preparation can begin as early as six months prior to an intensive. There are four annual teaching sessions presented by ministry professionals. During the program, you will participate in regional workgroups, follow a ministry development plan, read and reflect on the best literature in your concentration area, and develop and evaluate a professional project within the context of your own congregational or other leadership responsibilities.
Cohorts are identified by the year in which they formed. For example, if you are a member of a cohort that formed in 2023, during the five-six years you expect to be in the program, the title of your group will be "the 2023 Mass Media for Ministry Cohort."
Module Descriptions
PATH 722: Intro to Cultural Exegesis & Mass Media Ministry / Credits: 4
This course intends to study post-pandemic influence and changes in mass media communication for mission and ministry and Christian media organizational practices.
PATH 734: Organizational Communication & Mass Media Assessment / Credits: 4
This module explores mass media communication theories in an organizational religious environment, and analyzes the role and trends of mass media Christian production understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to share the gospel in effective ways.
PATH 732: Media Development & Equipping Local Leaders / Credits: 4
This course is an in-depth study of media development, from a leadership and management perspective, analyzing practices to effectively produce and distribute relevant and culturally sensitive content for 21st century mission and ministry.
PATH 721: Mass Media Effectiveness and Distribution for Local Church / Credits: 5
This advanced course applies cutting-edge practices with training and equipping local leaders to effectively generate sustainability and church growth through specific mass media appropriation.
GSEM 706 – Spiritual & Theological Foundations for Mass Media Ministry / Credits: 4
This module builds the spiritual and theological foundation from which the practice of mission and ministry grows and seeks to lead the participant into a self-reflection and examination of life and belief with annotated Scriptural references for the development of a biblical theology of media ministry.
GSEM 790 – DMin Professional Dissertation Seminar / Credits: 2
Forming the project proposal and issues related to completing the professional dissertation successfully. Areas of focus include literature review, theological reflection, critical thinking, experiential learning, reflective observation, research design and techniques, reading and evaluating research, academic writing, an effective work plan for completion of the project, and other project-related topics.
GSEM 793 DMin Research Methods Seminar / Credits: 2
Forming the action plan for successfully implementing and evaluating the DMin project. Areas of focus include action research, research design and methods, descriptive statistics, methods of evaluating the project, IRB approval, and other project-related topics.
GSEM 796: DMin Professional Dissertation
- 2 in YEAR 2
- 2 in YEAR 3
- 3 in YEAR 4
The coordinator for this cohort is Dr. Rohann Wellington. He can be reached at rohannwellington@nadadventist.org
Travel and lodging information is provided in the links under the "Intensive Location" column.
Cohorts are identified by the year in which they formed. Cohort participants will take these courses and modules:
2023 Mass Media for Ministry Cohort
Course requirements and schedule for the cohort that begins in 2023:
Online registration must be completed before the course start date. The course registration number (CRN--in parentheses) is the number that registers the course.
Follow the linked course names to obtain the course syllabus:
The Doctor of Ministry reduced residency (for intensive venues other than the Andrews University campus) is offered as an approved exception to Association of Theological Schools Degree Program Standard B, section E.3.1.1.
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