DMin Equipping Women for Effective Leadership (EWEL) Concentration
Changing the people who change the world
If you are a woman in a church, parish, educational, or organizational ministry, Equipping Women for Effective Leadership (EWEL), is a Doctor of Ministry degree just for you!
In many ways, women remain underrepresented in top leadership positions in America and globally. This course will help women learn and identify the internal factors within them and external factors impacting them to become courageous spiritual women of God in leadership.
This Andrews University Doctor of Ministry degree, lauded as a national innovation specifically for women, will develop your full spiritual and professional potential as a woman in leadership in your church, organization, community, and home. By maximizing your potential, participants will be able to enhance the unique strengths, skills, values, and traits God has given to make effective, lasting connections to work and people.
Skills and tools to enhance your unique traits and characteristics as a spiritual leader to effectively develop and empower those you serve.
Ability to develop and maintain relationships, connections, and interpersonal interactions that drive spiritual growth and innovation in the places you serve.
Personalized development plan to identify your strengths and guide you towards achieving your goals as a Christian woman in leadership.
Opportunity to interact with like-minded women from diverse backgrounds seeking to add value to the organizations and institutions in which you serve.
Some of the Course Topics for the first intensive, to be taught by Dr. Ledesma and female guests from a variety of professions, will address:
Womanhood of God
Women and Resilience
Women and Leadership
Women and Organization Conflict
Values-driven leadership for Women
Emotional Intelligence and Women
Creativity and Innovation for women
Women Leading in Crisis
Women and Research
Module Descriptions
YEAR 1 - PATH 782: Gender and Leadership
Credits: 4
This course reviews research from a variety of social science disciplines, gender studies, anthropology, political science plus the experience of men and women leaders to provide competencies and answer questions such as “Why have women not gained more access to powerful leadership positions in the church and world?”
YEAR 1 - PATH 712: Transformational Leadership
Credits: 4
Personal and theological reflection will be integrated with principles for leading change. Systems thinking, transformation of organizational culture and human-development theory are also investigated.
YEAR 3 - PATH 777: Organizational Leadership
Credits: 4
This course is created to examine the theories and research regarding organizational culture, design, and theories. Attention will be devoted to understanding the structural and cultural leverage points that allow leaders to create sustainable value and build highly ethical, reliable, high-performing organizational leadership in a Christian context.
YEAR 4 – PATH 781: Advanced Administrative Practices
Credits: 5
This unique leadership module is designed to help emerging women leaders achieve their goals and develop skills to navigate organizational politics, using persuasive methods to communicate as female negotiators, aligning capabilities with strategy, building confidence and credibility in networking to become effective leaders in peer mentoring sessions.
YEAR 2 - GSEM 706 Spiritual and Theological Foundations for Ministry
Credits: 4
This is a foundational module required of all DMin students. The module builds the spiritual and theological basis from which the practice of ministry and mission grows and seeks to lead the student into a self-reflection and examination of life and belief.
YEAR 2 - GSEM 790 DMin Professional Dissertation
Credits: 2
Forming the professional dissertation proposal and issues related to completing the dissertation successfully. Areas of focus include academic writing, literature review, critical thinking, experiential learning, reading and evaluating research reports, an effective work plan for completion of the dissertation, and other dissertation-related topics.
YEAR 3-GSEM 793 DMin Research Methods Seminar
Credits: 2
Forming the action plan for successfully implementing and evaluating the DMin project. Areas of focus include action research, research design, and methods, descriptive statistics, methods of evaluating the project, IRB approval, and other project-related topics.
GSEM 796 DMin Professional Dissertation
Credits: 2 in YR 2, 2 in YR 3, 3 in YR 4
A DMin project is a professional project that integrates theological reflection, scholarly research, and practical ministry. The project contributes to the enhancement of ministry in the church and to the growth and development of the ministry professional.
The coordinator for this cohort is Dr. Hyveth Williams. She can be reached at hyveth@andrews.edu


“The DMin helps the pastor to hear the
voice of God in their ministry.”
John Grys,
speaking at the 2013 Doctor of Ministry Conference;
2011 DMin alumnus and now an adjunct professor for the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary