DMin Discipleship Concentration
Changing the people who change the world
The Doctor of Ministry Discipleship Concentration integrates an understanding of a theology of discipleship and biblical spirituality, with the process and dynamics involved in the participants' personal spiritual growth and consequent modeling, mentoring, and teaching roles within the context of family, church, and community.
Concentration Goals
Upon completing this program, the participants will be able to:
Articulate a Seventh-day Adventist perspective on discipleship and biblical spirituality.
Demonstrate a continuing maturity in personal growth and ministry.
Integrate the theological, theoretical, experiential, and practical dimensions of discipleship into a theologically reflective practice of ministry.
Train spiritually mature and relationally gifted people as spiritual mentors.
Conduct a biblically and theologically faithful praxis of discipleship and biblical spirituality both individually and corporately.
Discern truth from counterfeit as a means of both personal and corporate protection in light of the growing number of non-biblical "spiritualities."
The DMin Discipleship and Biblical Spirituality concentration seek to create competency in the areas related to the discipline:
Academic Advancement: to enable participants to acquire knowledge of current and classic literature related to the area of biblical spirituality and the process of discipleship. To engage this area of ministry through theological, biblical, and psychological perspectives, as well as to learn basic research skills relating to the field of discipleship and biblical spirituality.
Spiritual and Theological Discipline: to enable participants to reflect on their personal spiritual and theological perspectives and to integrate them into their practice of ministry.
Praxis: to enable participants to acquire skills pertinent to their practice in pastoral care and spiritual leadership within the context of discipleship and biblical spirituality in the family, church, and wider community.
Self-reflection/Personal Growth: to enable participants to become aware of their personal strengths and limitations and to understand that, in Christian ministry, being is as important as doing.
The Cohort Experience
The program is delivered in the cohort model, wherein participants proceed through the sequence of courses together. Study and learning are year-round, with pre-intensive, during-intensive, and post-intensive activities and experiences. Pre-intensive assignment preparation can begin as early as six months prior to an intensive. There are four annual teaching sessions presented by ministry professionals. During the program, you will participate in regional workgroups, follow a ministry development plan, read and reflect on the best literature in your concentration area, and develop and evaluate a professional project within the context of your own congregational or other leadership responsibilities.
Cohorts are identified by the year in which they formed. For example, if you are a member of a cohort that formed in 2022, during the five-six years you expect to be in the program, the title of your group will be "the 2022 Discipleship Cohort."
Module Descriptions
DSRE 705 - Theological and Historical Perspectives on Discipleship
Credits: 4
Examines the biblical and theological basis for spiritual life, discipleship, and Christian experience as well as how this theology has been understood and experienced in the history of the church and the lives of believers. Critiques contemporary forms of spirituality to enable students to discern truth from counterfeit.
GSEM 790 - DMin Professional Dissertation Seminar
Credits: 4
Participants receive assistance in forming their DMin project proposal, and orientation to issues in the successful completion of the project. Areas of focus include a literature review, theological reflection, critical thinking, experiential learning, reflective observation, research design and techniques, reading and evaluating research, academic writing, development of an effective work plan for completion of the project, and other project-related topics.
DSRE 707 - The Personal Practice of Discipleship and Biblical Spirituality
Credits: 8
Covers a historical view of those devotional practices outlined in Scripture, Ellen White, and significant devotional writers that lead to Christian formation. Provides a praxis model of reflection upon and engagement with those spiritual practices and patterns of life that define who we are as disciples of Jesus.
DSRE 708 - Mentoring and Coaching for Discipleship
Credits: 5
This module will equip participants for assisting in the discipling of others through spiritual mentoring and coaching. It will develop an understanding of the mentoring and coaching process, as well as how the age, temperament, and developmental stage of a mentoree help to determine the most effective model for discipling.
DSRE 709 - Constructs of Corporate Ministry for Discipleship
Credits: 5
Explores constructs of corporate ministry that will enhance growth in Christian formation and discipleship within the context of the church and the wider community. A corporate life of outreach and ministry to others through loving and maturing relationships will be developed.
GSEM 796 - DMin Professional Dissertation/Portfolio
Credits: 6
The DMin professional dissertation/portfolio integrates theological reflection, scholarly research, and practical ministry. The professional dissertation/portfolio contributes to the enhancement of ministry and to the growth and development of the ministry professional.
Contact the Coordinator
The concentration coordinator is Dr. Joe Kidder. He can be reached at 1-269-471-3318, kiddersj@andrews.edu.
Travel and lodging information is provided in the links under the "Intensive Location" column.
Cohorts are identified by the year in which they formed. Cohort participants will take these courses and modules:
2026 Cohort
Course requirements and schedule for the cohort started in 2026:
ONLINE REGISTRATION must be completed before the course start date. The course opens two months prior to the intensive. The course registration number (CRN--in parentheses) is the number that registers the course.
Follow the linked course names to obtain the course syllabi.