About Us
Structure of the DMin Program
Structure of the DMin Program
The Doctor of Ministry is a professional doctoral degree designed for full-time professionals in the context of their ministry. A variety of concentrations is offered, delivered in the cohort format. Occasional cohorts may be offered using Spanish as the language of instruction. Various concentrations may be offered for cohorts in the context of their ministry outside the North American Division.
The program is built on the foundation of the MDiv degree, the educational equivalent, or an alternative professional portfolio, and is comprised of a total of 32 semester credits, 25 of which are for modules and course work, and seven for the project.
(Previous to the fall semester of 2019, this structure was slightly different, with 26 credits for course work and six credits associated with the project.)
Academic Requirements
The Doctor of Ministry is comprised of a total of 32 semester credits, consisting of 25 credits for coursework and seven credits that are associated with a ministry-context project (or in some cases a portfolio).
For Applicants:
The basis of admission to the DMin program is the Master of Divinity degree or educational equivalent.
The graduate-level grade point average for the degree or work most recently done prior to applying to the DMin must be at least 3.25 for regular admission status. Provisional admission status is possible for those with a GPA of 3.0-3.24, but the required level of 3.25 or better must be achieved for the first year’s study module to continue further in the program and advance to regular admission status.
For Program Participants:
The cumulative GPA in the Doctor of Ministry program must be maintained at 3.0 or higher. If a student’s cumulative GPA drops below 3.00 they will be placed on academic probation and must raise the cumulative GPA to 3.00 or above with the completion of the next module in the following year. If the cumulative GPA remains lower than 3.00 they may not continue.
The cumulative GPA for DMin studies must be no lower than 3.0 to meet graduation requirements.
The Admissions Process
We appreciate your interest in the Doctor of Ministry program! Our purpose is to provide structured advanced training in ministry by equipping students with needed competencies and leadership skills. The program engages qualified people in an active learning environment so that they may reach advanced levels of ministry effectiveness.
When accepted into the Doctor of Ministry program you have all the privileges of other students at Andrews University. These services will help you complete your program sucessfully and include Internet access to library offerings throughout your program as well as use of the campus facilities when in Berrien Springs.
You will want to review the admission requirements (prerequisites):
There are three possible ways to meet the academic admission requirement:
a. Hold the Master of Divinity degree;
b. Meet the requirements for MDiv-equivalent education;
c. Some individuals may qualify to submit an admission portfolio (available only to those with a ministry-related graduate degree and a BTh-type undergraduate degree usually from outside the North American educational system). We will provide an individual analysis of your previous degrees during the application process to determine if the portfolio option is an acceptable alternative. -
Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 for graduate work.
Demonstrate high professional and personal potential for the gospel ministry.
Have an equivalent of at least three years of experience in ministry subsequent to the first graduate theological degree.
Supply satisfactory recommendations from your conference president, a pastoral colleague, and a local elder (a total of three recommendations from specific individuals is required). The recommendation requests are initiated as part of your online application.
Applicants from faiths other than Seventh-day Adventist are welcomed to apply to the program.
You should apply at least 6 months before you expect to begin course work. If you live outside North America you should begin the application process 12 months before you anticipate the intensive in your first module. No applications will be considered if begun less than 45 days prior to the first intensive.
What is a Cohort?
In the Doctor of Ministry program, a cohort is a participant group which is intentionally formed and whose members move through the program together. For example:
A group of church leaders from a particular country or region with similar interests in professional growth who proceed through a sequence of study modules together and progress as a group to complete a specific concentration...
...or a group of pastors who wish to do a concentration in a specific subject; they begin together and move through a certain sequence of study modules.
Be certain to clear all intensive dates for the four-year program given for your cohort as you begin. All intensives within the modules for a cohort are required.
Cohort formation has many advantages. You develop friendships, receive support, and are given some accountability within your group. The quality of the work you do in your project will likely be enhanced by the ideas and feedback from your cohort.
About the DMin Program
Structure of the DMin Program
The Doctor of Ministry is a professional doctoral degree designed for full-time professionals in the context of their ministry. A variety of concentrations is offered, delivered in the cohort format. Occasional cohorts may be offered using Spanish as the language of instruction. Various concentrations may be offered for cohorts in the context of their ministry outside the North American Division.
The program is built on the foundation of the MDiv degree, the educational equivalent, or an alternative professional portfolio, and is comprised of a total of 32 semester credits, 25 of which are for modules and course work, and seven for the project.
(Previous to the fall semester of 2019, this structure was slightly different, with 26 credits for course work and six credits associated with the project.)
Academic Requirements
The Doctor of Ministry is comprised of a total of 32 semester credits, consisting of 25 credits for coursework and seven credits that are associated with a ministry-context project (or in some cases a portfolio).
For Applicants:
The basis of admission to the DMin program is the Master of Divinity degree or educational equivalent.
The graduate-level grade point average for the degree or work most recently done prior to applying to the DMin must be at least 3.25 for regular admission status. Provisional admission status is possible for those with a GPA of 3.0-3.24, but the required level of 3.25 or better must be achieved for the first year’s study module to continue further in the program and advance to regular admission status.
For Program Participants:
The cumulative GPA in the Doctor of Ministry program must be maintained at 3.0 or higher. If a student’s cumulative GPA drops below 3.00 they will be placed on academic probation and must raise the cumulative GPA to 3.00 or above with the completion of the next module in the following year. If the cumulative GPA remains lower than 3.00 they may not continue.
The cumulative GPA for DMin studies must be no lower than 3.0 to meet graduation requirements.
What is a Cohort?
In the Doctor of Ministry program, a cohort is a participant group which is intentionally formed and whose members move through the program together. For example:
A group of church leaders from a particular country or region with similar interests in professional growth who proceed through a sequence of study modules together and progress as a group to complete a specific concentration...
...or a group of pastors who wish to do a concentration in a specific subject; they begin together and move through a certain sequence of study modules.
Be certain to clear all intensive dates for the four-year program given for your cohort as you begin. All intensives within the modules for a cohort are required.
Cohort formation has many advantages. You develop friendships, receive support, and are given some accountability within your group. The quality of the work you do in your project will likely be enhanced by the ideas and feedback from your cohort.
Immigration Requirements
The Doctor of Ministry program is open to applicants from around the world. Persons who wish to enter the program may apply to be a participant in one of the regular cohort schedules and will be given the same tuition rate as all other cohort participants (see information about costs). The program schedule requires attendance at intensives once each year at a designated location, most of them meeting in the United States.
In general, if you are not a U.S. citizen, you cannot register for academic credit if you arrive using a visitor's visa. Persons arriving with the incorrect documents run the risk of being sent back home and might not be allowed to attend the intensive. If you miss an intensive, you may lose your place in the cohort and will either be required to start over from the beginning with a new cohort, or drop out of the program. Failure to obtain the proper documents could prove to be a costly mistake!
Unless you are a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or hold an R visa, a student visa is usually required. After receiving notice that you have been accepted, you will need a government-required document call the "I-20" which is issued by the University and must then be registered with the government along with a "SEVIS" fee.
Please be in close and careful communication with the University's International Student Services office for guidance in all matters related to government documentation requirements. Contact them at iss@andrews.edu or 1-269-471-6395.
The Admissions Process
We appreciate your interest in the Doctor of Ministry program! Our purpose is to provide structured advanced training in ministry by equipping students with needed competencies and leadership skills. The program engages qualified people in an active learning environment so that they may reach advanced levels of ministry effectiveness.
When accepted into the Doctor of Ministry program you have all the privileges of other students at Andrews University. These services will help you complete your program sucessfully and include Internet access to library offerings throughout your program as well as use of the campus facilities when in Berrien Springs.
You will want to review the admission requirements (prerequisites):
There are three possible ways to meet the academic admission requirement:
a. Hold the Master of Divinity degree;
b. Meet the requirements for MDiv-equivalent education;
c. Some individuals may qualify to submit an admission portfolio (available only to those with a ministry-related graduate degree and a BTh-type undergraduate degree usually from outside the North American educational system). We will provide an individual analysis of your previous degrees during the application process to determine if the portfolio option is an acceptable alternative. -
Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 for graduate work.
Demonstrate high professional and personal potential for the gospel ministry.
Have an equivalent of at least three years of experience in ministry subsequent to the first graduate theological degree.
Supply satisfactory recommendations from your conference president, a pastoral colleague, and a local elder (a total of three recommendations from specific individuals is required). The recommendation requests are initiated as part of your online application.
Applicants from faiths other than Seventh-day Adventist are welcomed to apply to the program.
You should apply at least 6 months before you expect to begin course work. If you live outside North America you should begin the application process 12 months before you anticipate the intensive in your first module. No applications will be considered if begun less than 45 days prior to the first intensive.
Coordinator Guidelines
A cohort in the Doctor of Ministry program is a group of Andrews DMin participants with a common interest in a specific program concentration who move through the program together. The concentration/cohort coordinator facilitates the commitment of the participants to the cohort group and works to satisfy the needs of the group by carrying out the following responsibilities.
The Andrews Doctor of Ministry program experiences shared leadership. The director is available to consult and assist a coordinator, and will help accomplish the following responsibilities. The director will endeavor to monitor progress and provide coaching as needed. The coordinator will also be assisted by the program staff in carrying out the responsibilities, and should feel free to seek their help.
Concentration/cohort coordinators should acquaint themselves with the program policies contained in the online handbook and ensure that program policies are followed.
The Doctor of Ministry degree is a 32-credit program generally taken in 8 credits per year.
Andrews University establishes the fees for all graduate programs.The University will ask students to present a balanced financial plan prior to acceptance. Doctor of Ministry students should read the Student Financial Plans guideline for the DMin Program and the financial policy section of the Andrews University Bulletin carefully. Payment plans are described in the Andrews University Bulletin.
The first expense is the non-refundable application fee. The last expense whould be graduation regalia, which you may choose to purchase. Each student will be given a personal student account at Andrews University, and may make arrangements to charge cafeteria and other relevant expenses to their Andrews account.
Fees as posted for the 2019-20 academic year are:
Application processing fee $60.00
DMin tuition after NAD 56% discount$579/credit, or $4,632/year @ 8 credits per year
Student health insurance (required if you have no other insurance) approximately $1,500/year for one person; more for additional family members
Program extension fee: project continuation for approved additional time beyond the six-year limit $1,407.00/semester
Graduation regalia
1. Approximately $100 (plain black, "disposable")
2. Approximately $980 (custom-made, royal blue crepe, ordered directly from Herff Jones regalia company
3. $95 rental fee (limited number of regalia sets available from the DMin office, reserve months in advance; contact
Payments are to be made to Andrews University in accordance with one of the University's payment options.